TestProd Adelya - Click & Collect
Article 1

Premier article de la mort qui tue

120,00 €

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Article 2, this is a on purpose very long description the aim is to check that all others title will adapt to this big height. There is a javascript in the item list page, that check the max-height of all the displayed item and set it to be the all items height (test)

Un deuxieme article pas si mal que ça

89,99 €

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Un article de test


3,35 €

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Carte CDX

Carte cadeau Fête des mères

5,00 €

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Test Cat2


0,00 €

Article épuisé
Test Cat3


0,00 €

Article épuisé

Planète Terre

55,50 €

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test save rticle prod

0,00 €

Stock 1